Assyrian Dishes © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 




Vegetable Ingredients
2 cups or 1/2 Head Cauliflower
1/2 Head White Cabbage
1 cup Dill Pickles/Gerkins
1 cup Baby Carrots

Liquid Ingredients
6 cups Water
3 cups Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon Curry Powder
1 tablespoon Tumeric Powder
1 tablespoon Sea Salt

  • Cut the core of the cabbage, cut in half and slice in smaller pieces
  • ​Wash the cabbage
  • ​Place the cabbage, cauliflower, carrots & dill pickles all in a bowl and mix together
  • Add the water & apple cider vinegar in a large pot
  • Heat on high heat and stir together
  • ​Add the tumeric powder, curry powder & sea salt & stir all together
  • Boil for 20 minutes
  • Place the vegetables in a large glass jar
  • Pour the liquid in the jar with a ladle
  • ​Store on the kitchen bench for 1 week then in the refrigerator
  • ​SERVE with your favourite rice & stew dish!